Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Crazy Moving Week!

Moving is sooo much work! I forget just how exhausting it is to pack and move and unpack! But we got the move done and we are finally in a house, which is so nice. We have a lot to do still to unpack and make the house feel like our own but it will all get down eventually. So far the kids love the house, there is so much room for them to run, or crawl. We haven't explored outside to much yet because Curtis hasn't had a day off to de-spider the garage and backyard. But we did give in and get cable so I have been being a bad mom today by letting Timmy watch tv pretty much all day. It gave me a chance to get some stuff done though and I'm sure he learned something from all those shows... hopefully :o) This is a picture of him helping me pack... while Allanna was probably walking behind me unpacking everything a little too early.

 In the midst of all the stress of moving Curtis and I got to go on an amazing date to go see the play Wicked. I had bought the tickets for his birthday way before I knew we would be moving this weekend so it added stress but it was so worth it! I saw the show 5 years ago and loved it, therefore forcing Curtis to listen and memorize the whole soundtrack so it was very exciting for him to finally see the story behind the songs.  Here is a picture of us after the show... we were a little to busy rushing around and getting lost in tower district to take a picture before the show.

Thanks so much to everyone who helped us move and watch the kids this weekend. Whenever we move it reminds me that God sends such awesome friends into our lives wherever we live.