About me

My name is Erin Behning and I have been married to the most amazing man ever for 5 years. We have a 4 year old son Timmy who is the sweetest, funniest little man. Then comes Allanna our 2 year old who has been little miss drama since the moment she was born. The two of them keep us entertained thats for sure! And we now have #3 on the way, baby Greyson! God has blessed my hubby with a great job so I am able to stay at home with the kiddos, I also watch some friends kids a few days a week to make a little bit of extra money. Timmy is doing preschool at home with me this year and then next year we plan to start home schooling Kindergarten, I cant wait! We have been going to a great church for the last 3 years that has really helped us grow in our relationship with God and with each other. Some random things about me are that I love to read books, go running(just did my first half marathon and am about to start training for another one), be outdoors specially hiking or camping with the family, and having dance parties with my kiddos. I hope you enjoy reading my random blog about my kiddos and anything else that is going on in my life!