Saturday, January 22, 2011

Remembering a year ago

My baby girl turned one today!!! I cant believe how fast this year went, my baby is turning into a toddler already! It has been a crazy year learning how to be parents of two and learning how to put up with girl drama already lol. But even though there have definitely been tough times caused by our princess, the main thing that I have been reflecting on this week is the miracle and provision that God blessed us with last year. And since I think its always awesome to see Gods modern day miracles in our lives and in the lives of those around us I thought I would share our story for those of you who haven't heard it all or who just need a reminder of how amazing God is! It is a bit long, sorry!
Its hard to decide where to start... The pregnancy was pretty tough from the beginning but it got really bad at 32 weeks. I started bleeding and ended up in the hospital for a whole week. It was caused by a low lying placenta but most of the nurses and doctors thought it would start up again so they were all prepared for her to come way early, so I got those lovely steroid shots which I swear developed her lungs too much, because my goodness she can scream :o). Anyways so I finally got out of the hospital and got to be on strict bedrest at home for the next few weeks. I am so grateful for all of my amazing friends who came over to help take care of Timmy, since I couldn't do it all. At 36 weeks my doctor decided that the placenta had moved up enough that I could get off of bedrest and he actually said I might not have to have a c-section! So I had the best day and a half ever and got tons of stuff done and played with Timmy like crazy and then.... the big day came!
Curty was about to leave for his night shift and I started  hemorrhaging, right before he left thank goodness. So my doctor had told me I could bleed out in 30 minutes so if this happened i needed to call 911. So Curtis calls 911 and guess what? They were busy! So after a couple tries we called the fresno police dept and they were busy too. So at that point we were kinda panicking not knowing if we should somehow get in the car and try to make it or not. We tried one more time and made it through! Of course this whole both Curtis and I were pretty much counting down the minutes in our heads thinking i might die in 20 minutes, a little intense! Thankfully Timmy had no idea how scary it all was, he thought we were just playing or something.

After only a couple minutes we heard the sirens, I never knew they could be such a wonderful noise! It still felt like an eternity waiting for them to make it to the apartment. Curtis and Timmy went outside to tell them where I was and I just laid there getting a chance to ponder life. I really thought there was a good chance I wasn't going to make it and the awesome thing is I really was not scared at all. As I lay there waiting I was trying to sort through what I should think about before I died and all I knew was that I had peace knowing that I would get to be with God soon. The only thing I could do was pray for Timmy and Curty, that they would have a great life living for God. And then pretty much right before I thought i was going to black out the ambulance drivers(and Erin Obwald) walked in and I realized I might make it!
The ambulance drivers were so great and did an amazing job at keeping me awake and calm. The guy in the back calmly told me that they were going to speed up because my blood pressure was really low and he knew I had lost a lot of blood(all i was thinking was ya i want you to drive fast, thats why we called you). Once we got to the hospital it was like a scene from greys anatomy, there were about 4 doctors/nurses waiting outside for me and then about a dozen inside running around getting everything ready for me. God was so amazing as always and he made the bleeding finally slow down and he let Allanna stay strong so they were able to wait for Curtis to get there before they did the c-section. So she was born sometime after 7(i dont have the best memory of that night so i dont know the exact time), she was 6lbs 1 oz and the steroids had developed her lungs perfectly so she was completely healthy!
When I finally got to hold her, after a long recovery time, it felt like a dream. I couldn't I had actually had her that quickly! But she was completely perfect! Looking back I am just so thankful how God took care of every detail of that night. I know that He has amazing plans for Allanna's life and I cant wait to see them unfold!   I hope that you can be encouraged by a story of God's little miracles and maybe even take time to ponder what you would think about if you thought you only had 30 minutes to live.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Its a new year!

Well its crazy to think that another year has gone by! Last year at this time I was going crazy on bedrest praying that our little girl would stay in for a couple more weeks, and now I am chasing a little dramatic girl around while I plan her 1st birthday party! Life just goes so quick, but I honestly wouldn't want it to slow down. As adorable as my kiddos are I dont think I will miss this phase of life too much :o)
Our Christmas was a little different this year but so much fun. Curtis had to work on Christmas day so we ended up doing our christmas celebration on Tuesday with my family. We all went a bit crazy on gifts but it made it so great! My sister got me a sewing machine so now I get to start being creative! I cant wait! My mom got just dance 2 as a Christmas present so we all got to play that the whole week. Lets just say it was a great bonding game that created lots of memories(and maybe a few blackmail videos ;0) )
My sister and her hubby came to Fresno to keep me busy on new years ever weekend(since Curty was working yet again). We had alot of fun being lazy and doing absolutely nothing but eat and watch tv or read all weekend, it was great! But through all of this holiday fun our poor family has been battling a very annoying cold. Allanna got it the worst as normal and now has bronchitis and an ear infection. So we are learning how to get her to take an inhaler now, not easy. Hopefully she will be all healthy by her birthday party in a couple weeks!
I'm trying to think of some of the adorable things the kids have done in the last few weeks...
Allanna definitely knows the word no now and tends to shake her head when she is grabbing something she knows is a no no. Timmy is talking like crazy and of course he says the cutest things. He has to point out everything he sees and you have to repeat his word so he knows you understand. The hard part is if you have no idea what he is talking about he will continue repeating it until you get it.... sometimes it takes awhile lol. He loved learning about baby Jesus during Christmas so while we were looking at lights whenever he saw a nativity scene he would say "I see Jesus" over and over again. He also thought the angel on grandma and grandpa Roseboroughs tree was Jesus and was very excited about that!
Well I hope all of you had a very blessed Christmas and new year!