Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One of those days...

So today started off pretty good. Me and the kiddos went to a birthday party for Jesus at the peoples church moms group and we had a great time! Timmy is always a little bit scared of the puppet show so he actually sits on my lap and watches the whole thing, which is amazing! Allanna did really well in the nursery so that was great. The kids(and me) were exhausted by the time we got home so we all took a great nap, woo hoo! I am going to be so bummed out when timmy stops taking naps!
Okay now this next paragraph might be too much info for those of you who have not had kiddos yet, just thought I would warn you! So the last couple months Timmy has started to be interested in what Allanna is doing while she is nursing, he thinks it looks funny or something. So he has been saying "my turn" and playing around like he is going to bite me, apparently he thinks thats what she is doing to eat. Anyways today we were watching a movie and Allanna was nursing and Timmy, without warning full on bites me and wont let go, laughing like crazy the whole time of course... It was super hard to make him let go! Needless to say I will be on my guard much more now while I am nursing!

So then later in the afternoon I dropped a bottle of really yummy wine that I was looking forward to having  a glass of tonight. I really am not a fan of cleaning the floor just because I spilled something. Then while I was cooking dinner I cut my hand. Thank goodness the cut was not awful but it was definitely painful and annoying...
So that was my fun day, I am definitely ready for a good nights sleep, ha ha. I'm really hoping Allanna will let me sleep for a few hours! I hope everyone reading this had an easier day!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Crazy busy month

Wow this month has been a bit insane! We have been so busy, I cant believe the month is almost over! This month we celebrated our 4 year anniversary and Timmy's 3 year birthday. I am so thankful that God brought us together, the last 4 years have been amazing! I fall more on love with Curtis every year so I know next year is going to be even more amazing! I am also so thankful that God knew we needed a little crazy boy named Timmy very quickly in our marriage. I dont want to imagine how different our lives would be if we didn't have him so soon, he was a perfect one year anniversary gift! He has turned into an adorable little boy so quickly!

We also got to participate in my big sisters wedding this month! It was a little crazy but so great! We are really excited to have Andrew as part of the family! The wedding was beautiful. Timmy was the ring bearer and he did a great job. Once he spotted Auntie Mallory at the end of the aisle he literally sprinted all the way down to her. It was adorable of course! the only hard part of the wedding was that all of us got sick so we were totally exhausted but a week later I think we are starting to get better now.

Last week Timmy had another speech evaluation done to see how much he had improved because of the class that I took and the results were great. He is only a couple months behind in speech now! So the speech therapist actually said we dont need to do individual therapy its just up to us. So I think we are still going to get him some individual time but hopefully it will only be a few months till he is all the way caught up! I am so thankful that I got to take this class, it was a lot of work but totally worth it!

Allanna got her 7th tooth this week and is now the fastest crawler ever! She is refusing to try walking unless its along furniture but o well. She is starting to be so much fun. Timmy and her love to play and fight together its great! I love having two kiddos!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November is here!

I cannot believe it is already November, time seriously goes too fast! The past couple of months have been crazy but I have a feeling the next two months are going to be even more insane! My sister is getting married in 27 days which means a fun filled month of drives to Lancaster for Bridal showers and Bachelorette parties and so much more, woo hoo! Next week is also Timmy's 3rd birthday and our anniversary, oh and a little thing called Thanksgiving that we keep forgetting about.
So last weekend was my birthday and I am starting to realize that each birthday gets a little less exciting... but thats okay. The best part about this birthday though was that I am not pregnant! I have been pregnant for my 21st, 22nd, and 23rd birthdays so 24 was special :o) This last year was so full of great times and of course sad and hard times mixed in like every other year. I got to experience what its like to think you are about to die and feel the peace that I knew where I was going(when i was about to have Allanna). I got to experience seeing my baby girl for the first time and being so overwhelmed by God's provision and protection over both of us. I have gotten to experience what so many people have told me about, that the hardest adjustment is going from one to two kiddos. Curtis and I have had our best year of marriage so far thanks to awesome people encouraging us! I went through the loss of on old friend, but was reminded to live every moment as though it is our last! Those were the big things of the year. And in between were all the tears and laughter that come with everyday of life.

On a lighter note this halloween was amazingly fun! Timmy Loved trick or treating(and even learned how to say it!). He was so excited and well behaved that it made the night great! He only ran into a few strangers houses, no biggie lol. My kids are the cutest little cowboys ever! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Typical busy day

On Wednesdays I get to watch two extra kids while their mommy gets to work, so Wednesdays are always an exciting day. It is definitely Timmy's favorite day of the week because he gets to play with Audrey and Sam(And he has actually learned how to say their names now!). It is so much fun to see them all play together. In the class I am taking for Timmy's speech we have learned about all the different stages of communication and different strategies to encourage communication and so on... Well its neat because all 4 kids are in a different stage. Allanna is a discoverer, Sam is a Communicator, Timmy is a first words user, and Audrey is a very advanced combiner. So its really neat to see them all developing so fast and getting into the next stages and trying to communicate with each other! Now that Timmy has more words he is starting to boss the other kids around so all day today he would say "Audrey run" or "Sam sit." Even though its not cute to be bossy its so great to see him become a sociable communicator. And Audrey said such a cute thing today, she saw a picture of an ant and she said that ants hurt. So I asked her (to see if she would remember are battle of the ants at millerton) if she got bit by ant when we went camping... and she said no because God protected me. How amazing is that coming from a 3 year old? I wish we could all think so simply. It was a good reminder that God is protecting us all the time even from the little things!

We also had Timmys videotaping for speech yesterday, which is almost like a test to see if I am using what I am learning while I play with him. The session went so good! The teacher was really excited to see how much he has progressed in the last month! She also gave us some great tips to help him put two words together. So it seems like this class and those fish oils are working great!

I have also tried to work out the last 2 days and now I am crazy sore! But my sisters wedding is in like 24 days so I have to keep it up!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our life right now

Allanna is 9 months old already! Time flies so fast when you have two little ones. She had her doctors appointment yesterday, she weighs 19lbs, 10oz and is 28 inches long. So less than ten pounds to gain and she will catch up with Timmy! She is now crawling all over the house and pulling herself up on all the furniture. She discovered today that there is water in the toilet to play with so that will be fun trying to keep her away from that now :o)
Timmy is a crazy little toddler who is turning 3 in a couple weeks! His speech is improving like crazy so he is now talking constantly. Its a bit of a guessing game to see what he is talking about but its fun! He is obsessed with pumpkins and witches right now because of Halloween.
Curtis and I are in love with pumpkin spice lattes right now so we tried to make them at home... they turned out pretty and tasty but not nearly as good as Starbucks. But I will perfect it somehow! 
Having two kids definitely keeps us crazy busy but life is good!