Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I love Summertime!

I just love how much fun summer is! During the school year we do lots of fun stuff but we it seems like everything is so scheduled and we are always so busy(and the kids are not even in school yet!). So I just love that every week during the summer is so different, you never know what fun things are going to come up. Yesterday me and the kids went to a waterpark with one of my best friends and her kiddos(and she brought a babysitter to help us keep track of the kids, which was very helpful). I was super excited but I had no idea how the kids would do and honestly was not sure if I should be attempting this adventure without Curtis. But it ended up being so much fun and the kids did really well so it actually wasn't stressful at all! Both of my kiddos have absolutely no fear of water which is good and bad. I love that they enjoy it so much and are content to just stay in the water all day, Allanna would actually start crying everytime I tried to take out of the water, not so cute and yet pretty funny. I dont like that they both want to run everywhere and attempt things that are not meant for their age. Both kids were wanting to climb everything and go down all the slides, even the ones that are way to big. So I definitely got a workout chasing both of them and trying to carry Allanna when she would let me. They loved the floating river, Timmy was wearing his floaties so he loved getting to swim next to me. He was so excited to see the older kids really swim too, every time one would swim by he would yell out "nice swimming." They also loved the wave pool, which had some pretty good size waves actually. I wasn't so sure I loved that part! We stayed at the park for about 4 hours so by the time we were loading into the cars the kiddos were ready for a great nap. Once they woke up we spent an hour with daddy before he left for work and then we headed out for a church barbecue. It was really nice to spend some time with a couple families from our life group. But the kiddos did not last long, they were still a bit tired from the fun day so we left early and came home to all go to bed. So it was just an overall wonderful summer day, even if Curtis couldn't enjoy it with us. I just love that both the kids are at such a fun age and that they are really interacting with us and each other so much! Timmy talks so much now and I love it, I cant wait till Allanna starts talking more its gonna be so precious so hear them talking to each other.
Another highlight of our week was that we got to see Stacy and Andrew for a few minutes as they were on their way home from Sacramento. The kids were so excited to see them. Honestly I think Timmy was more excited to play with their iphones, he is a little obsessed, but he really does love his aunt and uncle too. Allanna was almost friendly, I think she smiled at Stacy a few times :o) But it was really great to see them, we miss them and wish we could see them more! The hard part was when they left Timmy freaked out because he didn't understand that we got to see them but not see Beena and papa(my mom and dad). So that was a bit tough for him to understand. He thinks my parents house is the coolest place ever so he constantly asks to go see them. Hopefully we will get to take another trip soon!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Timmy day

This was his first week of soccer, and it was pretty much chaos but he loved it. Its a church soccer camp that is being led by the FPU soccer girls, who are very sweet but maybe haven't ever tried to control about 50 3 and 4 year olds before lol. So Timmy pretty much got his ball and kicked it all around the field until I chased after him with Allana in my ergo carrier and brought him back( I probably looked like the crazy mom, running around in that heat but my boy runs to fast for the teachers to keep track of him). But he was just so happy kicking his ball that it was all worth it!

So it was a great day! We have been potty training Timmy for the last week and yesterday he had no accidents! He even went potty at target and at a friends house. I am so glad he has finally gotten it! 

Sunday, July 3, 2011


So it has been more than a month since my last blog! Time goes way too fast when you are having fun! Since my last blog we have been busy with summertime happenings such as swimming lessons, water park trips, a camping trip, going to the lake with friend, having bbq's, and trying to stay in the air conditioned house once in awhile. I will probably try to catch up on the details of all those sometime this week because they each definitely need their own blog. But I wanted to just get myself back into the blogging mode and hopefully keep it up. I am really going to try to be more consistent with me blogs for a couple reasons, which of course I will share with you :o)

I have realized over the last couple months that I am super dependent on the fact that I get to talk to my mom all the time! I am one of those moms who still calls her mommy at least every day. She is usually the first one that I want to call when my kids do something adorable(which lets face it, thats all the time) or when my kids do something so awful or gross(okay thats all the time too lol). She is the one that I call for all kinds of advice, like knowing when I should take the kids to the doctor or not, or if ground turkey should turn white when you are cooking it. But lately I haven't gotten to talk to her very much so I definitely learning to appreciate even more every chance I do get to talk to her or see her! But I am getting to talk to my dad more, even to talk about things other than cooking advice :o) But anyways because I cannot talk to my mom very often I want her to be able to read about every cute thing my kids do and about everything that is going on in our lives. So even though some of you may get bored of reading about my children I will keep doing it because I know both of their grandmas will be very appreciative!

The other reason I want to write more is accountability to myself. I am really trying to lose weight and get in shape, and therefore hopefully get healthy so I am going to try to write about my progress on here. I will try to share ideas and tips that are helping me and struggles that I having so that maybe you can help me with your great ideas. So anyway thats a quick little blurb and I will write in more detail soon. Here is a sneak peek picture of our summer!