Sunday, July 3, 2011


So it has been more than a month since my last blog! Time goes way too fast when you are having fun! Since my last blog we have been busy with summertime happenings such as swimming lessons, water park trips, a camping trip, going to the lake with friend, having bbq's, and trying to stay in the air conditioned house once in awhile. I will probably try to catch up on the details of all those sometime this week because they each definitely need their own blog. But I wanted to just get myself back into the blogging mode and hopefully keep it up. I am really going to try to be more consistent with me blogs for a couple reasons, which of course I will share with you :o)

I have realized over the last couple months that I am super dependent on the fact that I get to talk to my mom all the time! I am one of those moms who still calls her mommy at least every day. She is usually the first one that I want to call when my kids do something adorable(which lets face it, thats all the time) or when my kids do something so awful or gross(okay thats all the time too lol). She is the one that I call for all kinds of advice, like knowing when I should take the kids to the doctor or not, or if ground turkey should turn white when you are cooking it. But lately I haven't gotten to talk to her very much so I definitely learning to appreciate even more every chance I do get to talk to her or see her! But I am getting to talk to my dad more, even to talk about things other than cooking advice :o) But anyways because I cannot talk to my mom very often I want her to be able to read about every cute thing my kids do and about everything that is going on in our lives. So even though some of you may get bored of reading about my children I will keep doing it because I know both of their grandmas will be very appreciative!

The other reason I want to write more is accountability to myself. I am really trying to lose weight and get in shape, and therefore hopefully get healthy so I am going to try to write about my progress on here. I will try to share ideas and tips that are helping me and struggles that I having so that maybe you can help me with your great ideas. So anyway thats a quick little blurb and I will write in more detail soon. Here is a sneak peek picture of our summer!

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