Saturday, March 12, 2011

Our decision

Well the last time I made a post I let you all know that we were trying to move to Lancaster and that we really wanted wisdom to know what to do. All of your prayers helped so much, so we were able to make a decision and have total peace about it. Curtis did not get offered the job, which is pretty crazy, but we thought we would be really disappointed about it and we actually are not. We both feel fine about staying in Fresno even if it means being far from my family still.
SO we are officially staying in Fresno! And we have decided to look for a rental house here because we are feeling a little squished in our apartment. We found a house we like over by Herndon and Polk, so we will be turning in an application for that on Monday. Even through this crazy time we are really exciting to have something to look forward too and cant wait to have more space and a good size backyard! Summer barbecues here we come!
A little update on my mom... She is scheduled to start chemo and radiation on Tuesday so pray that her body handles it really well. Her doctor said that most patients dont get that sick from this type of chemo so that was very exciting for her to hear! She is having a tough time with her speech which makes her frustrated so pray that goes away so she can talk easily to bless all those around her. She is doing so great though, its amazing how much energy she has, God is really providing for her. We got to spend time with her last weekend and I kept having to force her to sit down and relax with me, so we did some Thomas Kinkade puzzles, one of our favorite things to do. And the kiddos loved getting to see their "Beena." Timmy asks to go to her house everyday lol.


  1. Hi Erin,
    Thanks so much for the update.
    If Kris is having trouble talking, can she write?
    The brain is complicated, and certain parts might work better than others, of course. Get her a small, lap size write off board to practice on!
    Bless you in your move.

  2. praying for you and for your momma as always dear friend. So glad that you feel God's presence and peace
