Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fun with the kiddos

Okay so after the last post I thought it would be nice to show that we really did have a great day still! My kids favorite thing to do, even better than the park, is painting or pretty much doing crafts of any kind! They definitely got my grandma's and my sister's artistic side! So anyways here are some pics of them enjoying some painting time today. We started out painting  a pumpkin and a birdhouse... and then of course ended in all out "finger paint" aka body paint and repainting the kitchen :o) So enjoy these pictures of my future famous artists!
Timmy's masterpiece from yesterday, we used their hands to make a tree.

Allanna's masterpiece, an apple tree
He just discovered he could make a handprint!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE THEM!! These pictures are AWESOME!!!
