Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Amazing special boy

So tonight's blog is a little vent on the difficult times that come with being a mommy. Being a parent is such a huge responsibility and such a huge blessing! My baby boy, who is now almost 4, is the sweetest most loving little man ever, but he is also quite a handful. As many of you know we have been aware for awhile that he may be on the autistic spectrum mostly because he is behind in speech... but we have held of on further testing because his doctor thinks he is just a quirky kiddo and that we dont need to be concerned about labeling him at this point. We totally agree with this most days and have seen so much growth in Timmy that most of the time we feel like at this point we are doing whats best for him and just helping him grow up at his own pace in his own way. But in all honesty it is so hard seeing that your baby is not "normal" like other kiddos. One of my favorite shows is Parenthood, and in this show the family has a son who has aspergers, which is a highly functioning autism. Anyways a few weeks ago the mom on the show goes to see how he is doing at his new school and she sees him sitting by himself during lunch and it breaks her heart to see that he is not making friends. And of course I cry during this show every week because I am just starting to totally understand her feelings. For the most part Timmy is growing up so much! He is talking a ton and he is able to understand and answer questions, and he is even able to have almost conversations with people. But then there are nights like tonight where he just has a rough night. And on nights like these I see that he doesn't know how to relate to kids his own age. And kids his age get frustrated with the way he wants to play and then of course that upsets him because he doesn't understand what they are upset at. And its just exhausting as a parent to explain to him over and over things that he just doesn't get yet. So its just one of those emotional nights for me where I just want to see him be able to play with other kids and enjoy himself instead of having to constantly take him out of situations and remind him of the correct way to behave. Its just exhausting for both of us, but luckily he only remembers all of it for a minute where as I get to keep thinking about it all... Wondering if we are doing enough to help him ect. Anyway so that is my vent. I am probably just emotional because I get a little tired when Curty works this much but I just felt like maybe writing a blog would help me. So friends just pray as normal that we have wisdom to raise our little man the way God wants us too!

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