Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Update on our busy life

So a few months ago I had my aunt help me redesign this blog and I was really excited to start blogging more often, but then.... surprise, we got prego! I have been completely exhausted the last few months which is why I haven't blogged at all. I am now 13 weeks prego though and have a tiny bit more energy so hopefully I can start writing more. I really enjoy blogging, it helps me process everything that is going on in my life at the time. Everything from the huge things like how my pregnancy is going and how I am dealing with my moms tumors, to the smaller things like if I have kept the kiddos entertained enough, if I am involved enough or too much with social groups and church ect. Its just a great way to review all of my thoughts and share what is important. So with that said maybe I will become more consistent for a couple months.

The last few months have been pretty crazy. In the midst of it, it felt like time was going so slow, this pregnancy is going to last forever! Now that I look back though I realize the time has gone by so fast! This is my first pregnancy that I am high risk from the beginning because of my high blood pressure so its already been busy. Plus the blood pressure meds seem to make me even more tired that what is normal for pregnancy. The medicine is working so far though which is very exciting! We have already gotten to see baby 3 times and of course its already adorable! Its also very active, I started feeling it move around 8 weeks and Curtis has already felt it once too. So we might be super busy when this baby gets here :o)

Other than that life has been about the same. My mom is still doing chemo which is exhausting and hard on her body but she is still being super strong and going through it to spend some more time with all of us. We try to go see her every 4 to 6 weeks, this weekend is one of those weeks so I am super excited to see her! Curtis is still working hard as ever and being an amazing hubby and daddy at the same time. He has had to be superdad the last few months with me barely functioning. He is pretty much the best hubby ever, I am so blessed by him.

The kids have been keeping me busy. They seem to go through phases where for a month or so they are really good and life goes pretty smoothly and I love every minute of being a mom... and then the next month they switch. So right now we are in the month where they are pushing every limit and challenging our parenting skills basically every minute. I definitely need prayer for wisdom in how to deal with them and how to point them to Christ through the discipline. Its all pretty overwhelming but then at the same time they can be so stinking cute and funny that it makes it all worth it(I just dont remember that every second of the day).

So that is a little update and hopefully I will posting a lot more soon!

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